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Accounting & Sustainable Governance BBM105 Module
Accounting and Finance SMM324 Module
Accounting and Finance for Business Leaders EMM101 Module
Accounting and Financial Management in Insurance SMM357 Module
Accounting for Entrepreneurs SMM335 Module
Accounting for Managers SMM240 Module
Accounting Information and Capital Markets: A Global Perspective SMM461 Module
Actuarial Practice (CP1) - Part I BBM011 Module
Actuarial Practice (CP1) - Part II BBM012 Module
Actuarial Practice (CP1) - Part III BBM013 Module
Actuarial Risk Management (CA1) - Part 1 SMM042 Module
Actuarial Risk Management (CA1) - Part 2 SMM043 Module
Advanced Company Valuation SMM525 Module
Advanced Financial Modelling and Forecasting SMM622 Module
Advanced Financial Statement Analysis SMM134 Module
Advanced Modelling and Risk Analysis SMM767 Module
Advanced Quantitative Methods SMM623 Module
Advanced Stochastic Modelling Methods in Finance SMM306 Module
Advanced Strategy Analysis EMM106 Module
Advanced Strategy Analysis SMM331 Module
Alternative Investments SMM730 Module
Alternative Investments SMM519 Module
Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) and Risk Securitisation SMM382 Module
An Introduction to Machine Learning SMM284 Module
Analytical Methods for Marketing SMM494 Module
Analytics for Accounting and Finance SMM466 Module
Analytics for Supply Chain Management SMM346 Module
Analytics Methods for Business SMM634 Module
Applied Business Intelligence SMM080 Module
Applied Data Analysis SMM679 Module
Applied Deep Learning SMM768 Module
Applied Financial Analysis SMM684 Module
Applied Natural Language Processing (NLP) SMM694 Module
Applied Research Methods in ESG BBM104 Module
Applied Research Project SMM799 Module
Applied Research Tools SMM277 Module
Applied Statistics SMM196 Module
Applied Valuation and Taxation SMM199 Module
Appraisal and Financial Modelling SMM197 Module
Asset Management SMM733 Module
Asset Management SMM201 Module
Asset Pricing SMM265 Module
Asset Pricing Theory SMM942 Module
Behavioural Finance SMM274 Module
Big Data in Commercial Shipping and Trading SMM395 Module
Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finance SMM920 Module
Bond and Equity Analysis SMM725 Module
Brand Management and Communication Strategies SMM491 Module
Branding and Digital Marketing SMM374 Module
Building, Project Management & Procurement SMM672 Module
Business & Managerial Economics for Leaders EMM108 Module
Business Analytics for Energy, Shipping, Trade & Finance SMM744 Module
Business and Managerial Economics SMM327 Module
Business and Society SMM895 Module
Business Economics (CT7) SMM071 Module
Business Economics (Subject CB2) BBM010 Module
Business Economics for Trade and Finance SMM090 Module
Business Organisation and Corporate Strategy in Insurance SMM373 Module
Business Process Management SMM495 Module
Business Research Project SMM800 Module
Business Research Project SMM527 Module
Business Research Project/Business Plan SMM319 Module
Business Strategies, Climate-tech & Innovation BBM107 Module
Business Sustainability SMM493 Module
Capital Markets, Instruments, and Institutions SMM931 Module
Claims Management SMM383 Module
Commodity Deriviatives and Trading SMM591 Module
Consulting Project SMM479 Module
Consulting Skills for Global Supply Chain Management SMM497 Module
Consumer Behaviour SMM490 Module
Consumer Insights BBM016 Module
Contingencies (Subject CT5) SMM065 Module
Corporate Entrepreneurship SMM296 Module
Corporate Finance SMM586 Module
Corporate Finance SMM125 Module
Corporate Finance SMM731 Module
Corporate Finance and Restructuring SMM464 Module
Corporate Finance and Restructuring SMM471 Module
Corporate Finance and Valuation SMM469 Module
Corporate Finance and Valuation SMM467 Module
Corporate Finance Theory SMM944 Module
Corporate Open Innovation SMM690 Module
Corporate Restructuring SMM225 Module
Corporate Risk Management SMM250 Module
Creating and Managing Purposeful Brands BBM028 Module
Creating Value with Suppliers SMM621 Module
Creativity, Innovation, and Design for a Sustainable World BBM015 Module
Creativity. Innovation. Design SMM487 Module
Customer Development SMM338 Module
Customer Insight and Market Research SMM546 Module
Cyber Risk SMM088 Module
Data Analytics for Banking and Finance SMM150 Module
Data Analytics for Banking and Finance & Analytics for Accounting and Finance SMM150-SMM466 Module
Data Analytics for Fintech SMM094 Module
Data Management Systems SMM695 Module
Data Visualisation SMM635 Module
Decentralised Finance and Blockchain Applications SMM096 Module
Derivative Applications SMM503 Module
Derivatives SMM254 Module
Derivatives & Risk Management SMM729 Module
Derivatives and Risk Management SMM200 Module
Digital Finance SMM749 Module
Digital Management SMM745 Module
Digital Marketing and Social Media SMM492 Module
Digital Money and Banking SMM093 Module
Digital Supply Chain SMM081 Module
Digital Technologies and Business Innovation EMM107 Module
Digital Technologies and Value Creation SMM750 Module
Disruptive Business Models SMM084 Module
Driving supply chain innovation through technology SMM287 Module
Dry Cargo Chartering SMM589 Module
Econometrics of Financial Markets SMM271 Module
Economics and Market Analysis SMM174 Module
Empirical Corporate Finance SMM918 Module
Energy Economics SMM245 Module
Energy Markets SMM922 Module
Energy Project Investment and Finance SMM133 Module
Engagement, Communication and Governance BBM106 Module
Enterprise Risk Management SMM050 Module
Entrepreneurship SMM333 Module
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosytem: Field Trip SMM298 Module
Entrepreneurship and Managing Growth in a Global Context SMM687 Module
Entrepreneurship Mentoring: Building Your Professional Self BBM024 Module
Equity and Fixed Income Analysis SMM515 Module
Essentials of Accounting and Finance SMM444 Module
Ethics, Society and the Financial Sector SMM500 Module
Exchanges, Asset classes and Market Micro-structure EMM302 Module
Expert Leadership SMM625 Module
Expert Leadership EMM001 Module
Expert Leadership SMM625-EMM001 Module
Family Business SMM400 Module
Fashion Brand Management SMM318 Module
Finance 1- Finance and Investments SMM469-SMM122 Module
Finance and Accounting: Fundamentals SMM099 Module
Finance and Financial Reporting (Subject CB1) SMM062 Module
Finance and Investment A (SP5) BBM004 Module
Finance and Investment A (ST5) SMM034 Module
Finance and Investment B (SP6) BBM005 Module
Finance and Investment B (ST6) SMM035 Module
Financial Crime SMM739 Module
Financial Derivatives SMM596 Module
Financial Econometrics SMM943 Module
Financial Economics (Subject CT8) SMM068 Module
Financial Markets and Financial Intermediation SMM940 Module
Financial Mathematics (Subject CM1(1)) BBM008 Module
Financial Mathematics (Subject CT1) SMM061 Module
Financial Reporting SMM249 Module
Financial Reporting for Fintech SMM083 Module
Financial Risk SMM089 Module
Financial Risk: The Future of Finance SMM082 Module
Financial Statement Analysis SMM147 Module
Financial Statement Analysis SMM146 Module
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation in Banks SMM468 Module
Financial Statements Analysis SMM727 Module
Financial Statements Analysis SMM115 Module
Fintech SMM391 Module
Fintech in Shipping and Energy Trade and Finance SMM393 Module
Fintech: Financial Services in the Digital Age SMM392 Module
Fixed Income SMM516 Module
Fixed Income SMM539 Module
Fixed Income Securities SMM269 Module
Fixed Income, Currencies and Derivatives SMM149 Module
Foreign Exchange SMM924 Module
Foundation of Econometrics SMM270 Module
Foundations of Data Science SMM097 Module
Foundations of Finance SMM724 Module
Foundations of Sociology SMM825 Module
Fundamentals of Cognitive and Social Psychology SMM834 Module
Funding the New Venture SMM349 Module
General Insurance SMM372 Module
General Insurance - Pricing SMM037 Module
General Insurance - Pricing (SP8) BBM007 Module
General Insurance - Reserving and Capital Modelling (SP7) BBM006 Module
General Insurance - Reserving and Capital Modelling (ST7) SMM036 Module
Global Banking SMM108 Module
Global issues of CSR SMM688 Module
Global Leadership SMM647 Module
Global Macro and Sovereign Wealth Management SMM928 Module
Global Procurement SMM498 Module
Global Real Estate SMM735 Module
Global Real Estate Markets SMM545 Module
Global Strategy SMM883 Module
Global Supply Chain Management SMM650 Module
Green Finance, Carbon Trading & Shipping Decarbonisation SMM917 Module
Health and Care (SP1) BBM001 Module
Health and Care (ST1) SMM030 Module
Healthcare Analytics EMM007-SMM631 Module
Healthcare Analytics SMM631 Module
Hedge Funds SMM121 Module
Hedge Funds SMM077 Module
High Growth Entrepreneurship SMM887 Module
High Growth Entrepreneurship BBM025 Module
Hospice Leadership and Management SMM763 Module
Industry Project SMM095 Module
Industry Project EMM304 Module
Innovation and New Product Development SMM866 Module
Innovation in Organisations SMM131 Module
Innovation in Shipping SMM597 Module
Innovation, entrepreneurship and financial technology SMM098 Module
Insurance Law and Regulation SMM353 Module
Insurance Risk Modelling SMM048 Module
International Banking SMM732 Module
International Business and Economics SMM642 Module
International Business and Financial Markets SMM562 Module
International Business Research Project SMM689 Module
International Commodity Trade SMM563 Module
International Economics SMM239 Module
International Finance SMM728 Module
International Finance SMM332 Module
International Finance SMM113 Module
International Financial Management SMM460 Module
International Financial Reporting Standards SMM450 Module
International Marketing SMM648 Module
International Real Estate Markets SMM736 Module
Internship Module SMM933 Module
Introduction to Copula Modelling SMM027 Module
Introduction to Model Office Building in Life Insurance SMM019 Module
Introduction to Python SMM283 Module
Introduction to Python Programming SMM692 Module
Introduction to R Programming SMM693 Module
Investment Banking in Corporate Finance SMM126 Module
Investment Markets SMM158 Module
Investment Strategy SMM140 Module
Investment Strategy SMM726 Module
Investment Vehicles and Portfolios SMM673 Module
Landlord and Tenant Law SMM175 Module
Leadership and Change EMM104 Module
Leadership and Change SMM330 Module
Leadership and Organisational Behaviour SMM639 Module
Leadership Impact Project SMM633 Module
Leading Entrepreneurial Teams SMM337 Module
Leading Innovation in Healthcare EMM004 Module
Leading Innovation in Healthcare SMM628 Module
Leading Innovation in Healthcare EMM004-SMM628 Module
Leading People and Change in Healthcare SMM630 Module
Learning and Understanding the Voluntary Sector SMM757 Module
Liability Insurance SMM385 Module
Life Insurance SMM004 Module
Life Insurance (SP2) BBM002 Module
Life Insurance (ST2) SMM031 Module
Luxury Marketing Strategy SMM139 Module
M&A and Other Exits for Entrepreneurs SMM377 Module
Machine Learning SMM636 Module
Machine Learning for Quantitative Professionals SMM748 Module
Macroeconomics for Investment Managers SMM696 Module
Managerial Accounting and Business Planning for Medical Leaders SMM629 Module
Managerial Accounting and Business Planning for Medical Leaders SMM629-EMM005 Module
Managerial Accounting and Business Planning for Medical Leaders EMM005 Module
Managerial Finance and Accounting SMM643 Module
Managing ESG SMM916 Module
Managing innovation SMM378 Module
Managing operations for scaling up SMM375 Module
Managing People and Change EMM110 Module
Managing People and Change in Healthcare SMM630-EMM006 Module
Managing People within a Global and International Context SMM644 Module
Marine, Aviation and Transport Insurance SMM386 Module
Marketing and Machine Learning for Healthcare EMM009 Module
Marketing and Machine Learning for Healthcare SMM747 Module
Marketing Fundamentals SMM542 Module
Marketing innovations SMM336 Module
Marketing Strategy and Practice SMM486 Module
Masters in Management project SMM885 Module
Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity SMM236 Module
Mergers and Acquisitions SMM233 Module
Mergers and Acquisitions SMM737 Module
Metrics, Asset Management & Modelling in Responsible Investment BBM108 Module
Model documentation, analysis and reporting SMM040 Module
Modelling (Subject CS2(1)) SMM045 Module
Modelling and Data Analysis SMM069 Module
Modelling Practice (CP2) SMM092 Module
Monetary Policy in a Global Context SMM969 Module
Money and central banking SMM129 Module
Multinational Financial Management SMM649 Module
Negotiation Skills for Multi-discipline Managers SMM299 Module
Network Analytics SMM638 Module
New Product Development SMM339 Module
New Venture Creation SMM334 Module
Numerical Methods 2: Applications in Finance SMM313 Module
Oil and Energy Trading SMM100 Module
Oil and Energy Transportation and Logistics SMM247 Module
Operational Risk Management SMM388 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management EMM105 Module
Organisational Behaviour and HRM EMM102 Module
Organisational Behaviour and HRM SMM769 Module
Organisational Behaviour and HRM SMM325 Module
Organisations, Leadership and Change SMM753 Module
Payments and Market Infrastructures EMM301 Module
Pension Finance SMM859 Module
Pensions and Other Benefits (SP4) BBM003 Module
Pensions and Other Benefits (ST4) SMM033 Module
Personal Leadership Development for Experts and Professionals EMM002 Module
Personal Leadership Development for Experts and Professionals EMM109 Module
Personal Leadership Development for Experts and Professionals SMM626 Module
Personal Leadership Development for Experts and Professionals SMM626-EMM002 Module
Philosophies of Social Science SMM826 Module
Political Risk Management SMM343 Module
Portfolio Management SMM510 Module
Portfolio Management for Public Asset Owners SMM930 Module
Portfolio Risk Management SMM194 Module
Portfolio Theory SMM501 Module
Power Markets SMM712 Module
Practice of Management SMM483 Module
Principles of Appraisal SMM195 Module
Principles of Finance SMM242 Module
Principles of Finance and Financial Analysis SMM354 Module
Principles of Finance and Valuation SMM122 Module
Principles of Marketing and Strategy EMM103 Module
Principles of Marketing and Strategy SMM326 Module
Principles of Sustainable Finance BBM102 Module
Private Equity Investment SMM528 Module
Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Subject CS1) SMM047 Module
Procurement SMM543 Module
Professional Communication (CP3) SMM091 Module
Professional Development Skills SMM086 Module
Professional Ethics and Good Academic Practice SMM691 Module
Project Finance SMM232 Module
Project Finance and Infrastructure Investment SMM953 Module
Project Leadership SMM288 Module
Project Management SMM538 Module
Project Management and Introduction for Professional Practice SMM132 Module
Property Valuation SMM173 Module
Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship SMM766 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 1 & 2 SMM835 Module
Quantitative Methods SMM241 Module
Quantitative Methods SMM637 Module
Quantitative Methods 1: Survey Methods and SEMS SMM832 Module
Quantitative Methods 2: Experimental Design and Social Network Analysis SMM833 Module
Quantitative Methods 3: Analysis of Survey Data: Regressions and Longitudinal Models SMM830 Module
Quantitative Methods for Business SMM939 Module
Quantitative Methods for Investment Management SMM531 Module
Quantitative Trading SMM282 Module
Real Estate Asset Management SMM191 Module
Real Estate Capital Markets SMM188 Module
Real Estate Debt Markets SMM177 Module
Real Estate Development and Planning SMM179 Module
Real Estate Finance SMM192 Module
Real Estate Financial Markets: REITs, Debt and MBS SMM345 Module
Real Estate Fund Management SMM686 Module
Regulation SMM627 Module
Regulation, ESG and Ethics EMM303 Module
Regulation, Policy and Strategy in Health EMM003 Module
Regulation, Policy and Strategy in Health EMM003-SMM627 Module
Reinsurance SMM389 Module
Reporting, Compliance and Risk for Portfolio Management SMM390 Module
Research Design SMM488 Module
Research Methods and Business Analytics SMM645 Module
Research Methods and Professional Skills SMM198 Module
Research Methods and Small Project SMM293 Module
Research Methods for Actuarial Professionals SMM540 Module
Research Methods for Business SMM328 Module
Research Methods for Finance Professionals SMM522 Module
Research Methods for Managers SMM819 Module
Residential Investment SMM185 Module
Retail Supply Chain Management SMM956 Module
Revenue Management and Pricing SMM641 Module
Risk Analysis SMM272 Module
Risk Analysis and Modelling SMM359 Module
Risk Management SMM104 Module
Risk Management SMM356 Module
Risk Management and Quant Techniques SMM929 Module
Sales Management SMM350 Module
Shipping Company Management SMM291 Module
Shipping Economics SMM243 Module
Shipping Investment and Finance SMM244 Module
Shipping Risk Management SMM716 Module
Shipping Strategy SMM550 Module
Simulation Techniques and Financial Modelling SMM281 Module
SMM460 International Financial Management and SMM649 Multinational Financial Management SMM460-SMM649 Module
SMM471 Finance 2: Advanced Corporate Finance and SMM125 Corporate Finance SMM471-SMM125 Module
Social Enterprise SMM821 Module
Social Insurance in Emerging Markets SMM925 Module
Start ups: International field trip SMM137 Module
Statistical Methods (Subject CS2(2)) SMM044 Module
Statistics in Finance SMM248 Module
Stochastic Claims Reserving in General Insurance SMM025 Module
Stochastic Modelling Methods in Finance SMM302 Module
Storytelling in Business SMM143 Module
Strategic Business Analytics SMM640 Module
Strategic Innovation in Hyper-competition: Lessons from Motorsport SMM278 Module
Strategic Management Accounting SMM452 Module
Strategic Management and Marketing SMM041 Module
Strategic Service Management SMM049 Module
Strategy Consulting Skills SMM279 Module
Strategy for Delivering Value SMM698 Module
Strategy for Delivering Value SMM485 Module
Strategy in a Globalised World SMM646 Module
Strategy, Diversity and Governance SMM761 Module
Supply Chain Analytics 2 SMM347 Module
Supply Chain Finance SMM499 Module
Supply Chain Fundamentals SMM697 Module
Supply Chain Management SMM329 Module
Sustainability in Digital Supply Chains SMM085 Module
Sustainability Journeys BBM026 Module
Sustainable Finance with ESG SMM087 Module
Sustainable Management BBM103 Module
Sustainable Real Estate Investment SMM685 Module
Technical Analysis and Trading Systems SMM529 Module
Technology and Marketing: Engaging the Future SMM295 Module
The challenges and debates of sustainability and ESG BBM101 Module
The Economics of Corporate Governance SMM237 Module
The Entrepreneurial Advisor: Problem Solving for Early Stage Companies or New Initiatives SMM376 Module
The Insurance Industry SMM734 Module
Theory of Finance SMM148 Module
Theory of Risk and Insurance Markets SMM352 Module
Topics in Finance SMM994 Module
Topics in Quantitative Risk Management SMM070 Module
Trade Finance SMM718 Module
Trading and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Market SMM620 Module
Trading and Market Microstructure SMM921 Module
Understanding and Managing People: A Behavioural Perspective SMM398 Module
VBA with Applications for Finance SMM238 Module
Venturing for social impact SMM297 Module
Visual Basic in Finance SMM231 Module
Work Based Leadership Impact Project EMM100 Module
Work Based Project SMM932 Module

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