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Active Safety Management EPM836 Module
Advanced Aerodynamics AEM402 Module
Advanced Analysis and Stability of Structures EPM696 Module
Advanced Analysis and Stability of Structures EPM717 Module
Advanced Analytical Methods CVM432 Module
Advanced CFD MEM407 Module
Advanced Civil Engineering Systems CVM431 Module
Advanced Heat Transfer MEM402 Module
Advanced Manufacturing EG4204 Module
Advanced Signal Processing and Communications EPM109 Module
Advanced Signal Processing and Communications EEM403 Module
Advanced Structural Mechanics MEM404 Module
Aerodynamics and Propulsion AE3401 Module
AI for Engineering Design Projects EPM108 Module
Air Accident Investigation EPM970 Module
Airline Fleet Planning and Business Practice EPM831 Module
Airline Revenue Management and Finance EPM972 Module
Airline Strategy and Business Planning EPM969 Module
Airline Training Management EPM982 Module
Airport Business Management EPM979 Module
Airport Strategy Management EPM981 Module
Airworthiness and Maintenance AEM404 Module
Analysis of steel and concrete structures for blast and fire exposure EPM718 Module
Anatomy and Physiology EG1400 Module
Anatomy"," Physiology and Pathology EE2704 Module
Aviation Law EPM978 Module
Avionics and Flight Dynamics EE3705 Module
Biodata Management: Ethics and Security EEM411 Module
Biomaterials EG2401 Module
Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technology EG2402 Module
Biomedical Electronics EPM607 Module
Biomedical Informatics and Telemedicine EEM423 Module
Biomedical instrumentation EE2703 Module
Biomedical Instrumentation EG2403 Module
Biomedical Optics EE3704 Module
Biomedical Sensors EEM422 Module
Biomedical Sensors and Systems EEM407 Module
Biomedical Signals EEM408 Module
Biosignal and Image Processing EE3703 Module
Blast and Earthquake Analysis of Structures EPM694 Module
Bridge Engineering EPM715 Module
Business Aviation EPM983 Module
Civil Engineering in Practice CV3504 Module
Civil Engineering Management CV3502 Module
Clinical Engineering Practice EPM603 Module
Combustion Fundamentals and Applications MEM102 Module
Communication and Presentation EPM948 Module
Computer Science and Programming EE2702 Module
Computer Systems and Robotics EEM404 Module
Control Engineering EG3203 Module
Corporate Energy Management EPM724 Module
Corporate Governance and Operations Management EPM959 Module
Crisis Management EPM828 Module
Data Analysis for Engineers EG2002 Module
Data Analytics in Biomedical Engineering EEM409 Module
Data Visualisation and Analysis EPM899 Module
Design 1 ET1090 Module
Design II - Civil & Structural CV2500 Module
Design II: Aeronautical AE2400 Module
Design II: Electrical & Electronic- Biomedical Engineering EE2600 Module
Design II: Mechanical ME2400 Module
Design III - Biomedical Engineering EE3700 Module
Design III - Electrical and Electronic Engineering EE3600 Module
Design III: Civil CV3500 Module
Design III: Mechanical ME3400 Module
Design IV - Biomedical Engineering EEM420 Module
Design IV - Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEM410 Module
Design IV : Mechanical MEM400 Module
Design IV: Aeronautical AEM400 Module
Design IV: Civil CVM430 Module
Design of Concrete Structures EPM711 Module
Design of Steel and Composite Structures EPM712 Module
Digital Innovation and Fintech Start-up EPM962 Module
Dissertation EPM619 Module
Dissertation EPM949 Module
Distributed power generation and smart grids EPM993 Module
Dynamics of Structures EPM704 Module
Earthquake Analysis of Structures EPM720 Module
Economics of the Power Industry EPM101 Module
Electrical and Electronic Power Systems EE3503 Module
Electromagnetic Fields and Circuits EE2601 Module
Electronics ET1061 Module
Electronics I EG1005 Module
Electronics II EG2301 Module
Electrophysiology and Cardiorespiratory Measurements EG2404 Module
Embedded Systems EPM104 Module
Energy Economics and Finance EPM991 Module
Energy in Industry and the Built Environment EPM727 Module
Energy Policy and Economic Dimensions EPM722 Module
Engineering Design I EG1002 Module
Engineering Design II - Aerospace EG2100 Module
Engineering Design II - Biomedical EG2400 Module
Engineering Design II - Energy EG2600 Module
Engineering Design II - Infrastructure EG2700 Module
Engineering Design II - Mechanical EG2200 Module
Engineering Design II - Systems EG2300 Module
Engineering Design III EG3201 Module
Engineering Management EE3606 Module
Engineering Management, Reliability and Safety AE3403 Module
Engineering Programming EPM102 Module
Engineering Science EG1003 Module
Engineering science ET1060 Module
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise EPM421 Module
Environmental Issues & Research in the Maritime Industries EPM790 Module
Financial Engineering and Project Planning EPM947 Module
Finite Element Methods EPM707 Module
Fleet planning EPM829 Module
Flight Dynamics and Control AE3402 Module
Flight Mechanics and Control EG3105 Module
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer ME3407 Module
Fluid Mechanics EG2101 Module
Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II ET2070 Module
Foundation Year Module CV0001 Module
Foundation Year Module EE0001 Module
Foundation Year Module ME0001 Module
Foundations of Fintech EPM965 Module
Future Aviation Challenges – From Unmanned to Spaceflight Vehicles EPM980 Module
Game Theory EPM994 Module
Gas Turbine Engineering AEM403 Module
General Principles of Human Factors EPM974 Module
Geology and Materials EG2701 Module
Geology and Soil Mechanics CV2501 Module
Geotechnical Engineering CV3501 Module
Geotechnical Temporary Works EPM614 Module
Groundwater Control EPM615 Module
Health & Safety"," Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility EPM960 Module
Healthcare App Design EEM412 Module
Hydraulic Engineering CV3503 Module
IN3046/INM429 Cloud Computing IN3046-INM429 Module
Individual Project and Design III ET3107 Module
Induction Workshop Aviation EPM977 Module
Information Management and BIM in Construction EPM957 Module
Internal Combustion Engines and Vehicle Propulsion MEM108 Module
International Construction Contracts and Arbitration EPM936 Module
International Construction Contracts and Arbitration EPM958 Module
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering EE2701 Module
Introduction to Energy and Environmental Issues EPM721 Module
Introduction to Entrepreneurship EG2501 Module
Introduction to Finance and Accounting EG2502 Module
Introduction to Mechanics of Materials and Manufacturing EG1004 Module
Introduction to Power Systems and Energy Management EPM874 Module
Introduction to Programming EG1007 Module
Introduction to System Engineering EG1300 Module
Introduction to Temporary Works EPM611 Module
Introduction to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics EG1008 Module
Introductory Mathematics EPM950 Module
Introductory Mathematics and Programming EG1006 Module
Leadership and Management Skills EPM934 Module
Leadership and the Advanced Practice of Management EPM956 Module
Leadership in Organisations EPM971 Module
Lifecycle Engineering EPM946 Module
List B - Air Transport Economics EPM823 Module
List B - Airline Maintenance EPM906 Module
List B - Airline Marketing EPM821 Module
List B - Airline Operations EPM820 Module
List B - Financial Accounting EPM824 Module
List B - Human Resource Mangement EPM822 Module
List B - Quality Management in Airline Operations EPM825 Module
List B - Safety Management - Tools and Methods EPM833 Module
List B- Airworthiness EPM897 Module
Machine Learning EPM106 Module
Man-Machine, Machine-Machine Teaming EPM105 Module
Management of Projects EPM812 Module
Managing Risk and Uncertainty EPM944 Module
Manufacturing Technologies and Management MEM408 Module
Maritime Economics and Management Accounting EPM785 Module
Maritime Law and Insurance EPM784 Module
Maritime Management EPM786 Module
Maritime Operations EPM782 Module
Maritime Safety EPM997 Module
Maritime Safety and Security Management Project EPM996 Module
Maritime Technology EPM783 Module
Marketing of Maritime Services EPM791 Module
Mathematics Foundations with Python Programming EPM907 Module
Mathematics I EG1001 Module
Mathematics II EX2010 Module
Mathematics II EG2001 Module
Measurement and Data Analysis ET2082 Module
Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Management ME3403 Module
Mechanical & Aeronautical Reliability and Sustainability/Safety AE3403-ME3403 Module
Mechatronics ET2063 Module
Mechatronics and Control ME3405 Module
Mechatronics and Systems EG2202 Module
Medical Device Entrepreneurship EEM413 Module
Medical Physics and Imaging EE3702 Module
MEM106: Advanced structural mechanics MEM106 Module
MEng Individual Project (Stage 3) ETM463 Module
MEng Individual Project (Stage 4) ETM464 Module
Microelectronic Circuits and Devices EE3604 Module
Offshore Engineering & Operations EPM794 Module
Oil and Gas Industries for Sustainable Development EPM999 Module
Optimization and Decision Making EPM945 Module
Organisational Behaviour & HRM EPM937 Module
Perspectives on Management and Leadership EPM420 Module
Physiological Fluid Mechanics EG3402 Module
Physiological Measurement EPM608 Module
Power Electronics EPM501 Module
Power Engineering EE3603 Module
Power Systems Design and Simulation EPM423 Module
Power Systems Protection and Grid Stability EPM990 Module
Principles of Interdisciplinary Thinking in Engineering and Business EG1500 Module
Professional Development & Employability II ET2000 Module
Professional Development & Employability III ET3000 Module
Professional Placement Engineering ET3106 Module
Professional Placement: Engineering ET3016 Module
Professional Studies EPM401 Module
Project EPM402 Module
Project EPM860 Module
Project Dissertation EPM930 Module
Project Funding & Finance EPM932 Module
Project Management EG2503 Module
Project Planning and Management EPM955 Module
Project Planning and Management EPM931 Module
Psychology in Aviation Management EPM966 Module
Regulation and Ethics of Autonomous Systems EPM107 Module
Regulatory Compliance, Ethics, Social Values EPM961 Module
Reliable Structural Systems EPM695 Module
Renewable Energy and Sustainability EPM730 Module
Renewable Energy Fundamentals & Sustainable Energy Technologies EPM879 Module
Risk Analysis and Management EPM943 Module
Risk Management EPM403 Module
Risk Management EPM973 Module
Risk Management EPM733 Module
Robotics"," Imaging and Vision EPM110 Module
Security and Cyber Risk Studies EPM998 Module
Security Studies, Accident Investigation & Crisis Management EPM792 Module
Sensor Systems, Instrumentation, and Surveying EG2302 Module
Ship & Marine Equipment Design and Performance EPM793 Module
Signal Processing and Communications EE3602 Module
Signals and Communications EG2303 Module
Solid mechanics ET1080 Module
Space Launch Operations and Management EPM915 Module
Space Law Regulation and Ethics EPM917 Module
Space System Lifecycle Management 1 EPM918 Module
Space Vehicle Propulsion Systems EPM916 Module
Strategic Planning for Ports & Shipping Business EPM788 Module
Structural Analysis ME3401 Module
Structural and Soil Mechanics EG2702 Module
Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity AEM401 Module
Structural Engineering CV3602 Module
Structural Mechanics ET2080 Module
Structural Reliability and Risk EPM719 Module
Structures and Materials EG2102 Module
Supply Chain Management EPM422 Module
Supply Chain Management for the Power Generation Sector EPM995 Module
Sustainable Aviation EPM975 Module
Systems Dynamics, Modelling, Propulsion and Control EPM103 Module
Systems Modelling and Control EE3601 Module
Systems Risk Management EPM963 Module
Technology Innovation Management EG2504 Module
Temporary Work Structures 2 EPM613 Module
Temporary Works for Demolition and Alteration EPM617 Module
Temporary Works for Marine Construction EPM616 Module
Temporary Works for Plant and Access EPM618 Module
The Energy Market from the Purchaser's Perspective EPM723 Module
The Engineer in Society - Social responsibility EG1000 Module
The Engineer in Society - Sustainability and Circular Economy EG2000 Module
Thermal Power Systems EG2601 Module
Thermodynamics EG2201 Module
Transmission and Distribution Systems Management EPM875 Module
Transport Energy and Emissions EPM738 Module
Vehicle Propulsion MEM409 Module
Wearable and Implantable Devices EEM414 Module

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