Browse Subject

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Complex Analysis MA3661 Module
Algebra MA1605 Module
Applications of Probability and Statistics MA2611 Module
Applied Mathematics MA2607 Module
Bottom up computing and discrete mathematics (introductory level) MA3604 Module
Codes MA3100 Module
Computer Fundamentals IN0007 Module
Decision Sciences 1 - Complex Systems and Networks EPM954 Module
Differential Equations MA3660 Module
Discrete Mathematics MA0007 Module
Discrete Mathematics MA0002 Module
Dynamical Systems MA3608 Module
Financial and Investment Mathematics A MA1614 Module
Financial and Investment Mathematics B MA2614 Module
Foundation Mathematics MA0005 Module
Functions, Vectors and Calculus MA1618 Module
Functions, Vectors and Calculus 1 MA1623 Module
Functions, Vectors and Calculus 2 MA1624 Module
Game theory MA3662 Module
Graph Theory MA3300 Module
Group Project MA3697 Module
Groups and Symmetry MA3615 Module
Introduction to Calculus MA0010 Module
Introduction to Modelling MA1621 Module
Introduction to Probability and Statistics MA1608 Module
Introduction to Probability and Statistics MA0009 Module
Introduction to Probability and Statistics MA0004 Module
Introduction to Programming with Python IN0005 Module
Introduction to Programming with Python MA0006 Module
Linear Algebra MA1622 Module
Linear Algebra MA2602 Module
Mathematical Biology MA3616 Module
Mathematical Communication MA1610 Module
Mathematical Science Programmes Professional Placement MA2698 Module
Mathematics 1 EX1010 Module
Mathematics for Economists Post A Level (1) MA1202 Module
Mathematics for Economists Post A Level (2) MA1203 Module
Mathematics for Economists Post GCSE (1) MA1200 Module
Mathematics for Economists Post GCSE (2) MA1201 Module
Mathematics for Economists Post GCSE 3 MA2204 Module
Mathematics for Finance: Mathematical Processes for Finance MA3614 Module
Mathematics with Applications to Economics MA0003 Module
Mathematics with Applications to Economics MA0008 Module
Number Theory and Cryptography MA1613 Module
Numerical Mathematics MA2608 Module
PMFR Workshops and Seminars EPM992 Module
Precalculus MA0011 Module
Probability 2 MA3666 Module
Professional Development & Employability MA2700 Module
Programming and Data Science for the Professions MA2619 Module
Python for Mathematicians MA0012 Module
Real and Complex Analysis MA2616 Module
Sequences and Series MA2617 Module
Skills, Careers and Employability Analysis for Mathematics students MA1660 Module
Techniques in Data Science MA3200 Module
Vector Calculus MA2615 Module
Web Development IN0006 Module

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