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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Professional Practice SG1028 Module
AI,Technology and Society SG3085 Module
Analysing Crime SGM301 Module
Analysing Crime Behaviour SGM320 Module
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis SG3071-SAM009 Module
Applied multivariate data analysis SG3071 Module
Applied Qualitative Data Analysis SAM005 Module
Border Criminology: Critical and Comparative Perspectives SG3092 Module
Branded Society SG2063 Module
British Music and Society Since 1945 SG2065 Module
Broken Britain? Culture, Employment and Society SG3059 Module
Celebrity SGM314 Module
Celebrity & Society SG3070 Module
Changing Ideas about Society in the 21st Century SG3079 Module
Communication, Culture and Development SGM312 Module
Contemporary Criminological Controversies SG1029 Module
Contemporary Issues in Media Studies SG1006 Module
Contemporary Social Theory SG2028 Module
Crime, Culture and the City SG3076 Module
Crime, Media and Culture SGM306 Module
Criminal Behaviour SG3037 Module
Criminal Justice SG1023 Module
Criminal Justice and Penality SGM321 Module
Criminal Justice in Crisis SG3082 Module
Criminal Justice Policy and Practice SGM303 Module
Criminal Minds SGM304 Module
Culture, Racisms and Resistance SG3077 Module
Culture, the Body and Digital Society SG1030 Module
Democratisation and Networked Communication SGM311 Module
Developments in Communications Policy SGM309 Module
Digital Cultures and Every Day Life SG3084 Module
Digital Cultures and Everyday Life SGM316 Module
Digital Data Politics SGM315 Module
Education, Skills and Job Market SG3073 Module
Emotions, Identities and Relationships SG3066 Module
Exploring London SG1018 Module
Finding Your Future in Sociology and Criminology SG1100 Module
Gender and Society SG2031 Module
Gender, Crime and Justice SG2042 Module
Global Crime SGM317 Module
Global Media and Sport SG3057 Module
Global Media Industries SGM308 Module
Global Migration Process SG3041 Module
Introduction to Criminology SG1019 Module
Introduction to Critical Legal Studies SG2062 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Inference SAM003 Module
Key Issues in Criminology SG2043 Module
Learning from Social Data SG1021 Module
Media and Communication Theories SGM307 Module
Media History and Politics SG1005 Module
Multivariate Data Analysis SAM009 Module
New Media Challenges SG2016 Module
News and Society SG2051 Module
Penology SG2255 Module
Policing SG3036 Module
Policing 'Race' Through 'Crime' SG2064 Module
Political Communication SG3075 Module
Poverty: What counts? SG3074 Module
Producing Social Data SG1022 Module
Property and Crime SG3078 Module
Public Sociology and Racial Justice SG3091 Module
Qualitative Analysis of Social Research Data SG2056 Module
Qualitative Research Methods SAM004 Module
Quantitative Analysis of Social Research Data SG2045 Module
Quantitative Data Placement SG2046 Module
Rationale and Philosophical Foundations of Social Research SAM002 Module
Regression Analysis SG3093 Module
Research Design Methods and Methodology SAM001 Module
Research Methods Dissertation SAM010 Module
Social (Justice) Research: Qualitative Approaches SG1027 Module
Social Action Project SG2060 Module
Sociological Approaches to Health, Illness and Care SG2061 Module
Sociology and Criminology in Higher Education SG1031 Module
Sociology Dissertation SGM111 Module
Sociology in Action SG1016 Module
Sociology of Race and Racism SG2030 Module
Sociology Project SG3090 Module
Sociology Project SG3068 Module
Sport, the Body and Deviance SG3083 Module
Statistical Modelling SAM011 Module
Survey Research Methods SAM008 Module
Thinking Sociologically SG1025 Module
Understanding Global Media Flows SG3058 Module
Understanding Social Change SG2021 Module
Urban Violence and Public Health Policy SG3086 Module
Victimology SG2058 Module
Victims: Policy and Politics SGM305 Module
Violence SG2040 Module
Visualising Society SG2047 Module
Work and Workers SG3062 Module
Youth Crime SG3038 Module

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